T@sk (Towards increased Awareness, responsibility and shared quality in Social Work) is a project funded by ERASMUS+ Capacity Building programme of the European Union. This project aims at reinforcing and modernizing the delivery of Social Services in Albania by empowering the Albanian Higher Education System
T@sk activities rely on a program of teaching the teachers and instructors at a peer to peer level, with a program combining frontal lectures with practical workshops and seminars, including a continuous input check granted by the involvement of the qualified associated partners.
The Albanian T@sk project includes all public Universities offering a Bachelor or Master’s degree in Social Work in Albania (University of Shkodra, Tirana & Elbasan). T@sk project can count on the long lasting expertise of the University of Florence, the Complutense University of Madrid, the Instituto Universitário of Lisbon and the Ordine degli Assistenti Sociali of the Tuscany Region in the field of Social Work organization and evaluation.
T@sk is a multilevel project. Its main aim is to update, modernize, and internationalise the Albanian Universities offering Bachelor and Master’s degrees in Social Work. University Lecturers – along with their administrative staff – will be the main promoters of the professionalization of the Albanian Higher Education Institutions in the field of Social Work developed by the T@sk project. Social Work students of the Universities of Tirana, Shkoder and Elbasan will benefit from the training and updating activities carried out by T@sk members through a direct involvement in the training sessions and an indirect gain of competences in the long run. T@sk Associated Partners (NGOs, municipalities, Third Sector representatives) will bring their expertise in the field in terms of Social Services organization and implementation. They will also benefit from training and updating activities, and they will share the expertise of their EU respective professionals during the sessions held in Albania.
T@sk Projec Coordinator
Giorgia Bulli

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.