Fost Inno Project

Presentation of the Fost Inno project - LP FTHM
Project design supports enhancement of innovation capacity in sustainable tourism through developed strategic framework, established networking structure and increased knowledge transfer between business, users, academia and institutional stakeholders.
WP T1 – Fostering innovations in sustainable tourism - PP2 SASS
Work Package Fostering innovations in sustainable tourism which starts in January 2018 and ends in October 2018. The purpose of the WP is to establish a scientific basis for the growth of sustainable tourism and to establish an organized network of stakeholders who will coordinate and give long-term support for innovations development efforts in the Adriatic-Ionian area. Main objective (output) is the Strategy for fostering innovations in sustainable tourism and Action plans for strategy implementation for Adriatic-Ionian area. Within this work package every partner will organise at least 2 workshops that will include sessions with stakeholders from the field of tourism, local, regional and national public authorities, higher education institutions, NGOs, enterprises, including SME.
WP T2 – Transnational innovation network for sustainable tourism - LP FTHM
Work Package: Transnational innovation network for sustainable tourism which starts in January 2018 and ends in December 2019. The purpose of this WP is to establish a regional Adriatic-Ionian innovation network in sustainable tourism. It will focus on exchange of know-how and the promotion of innovations as a driver of sustainable tourism development. Main objective (output) is formation of the Adriatic-Ionian Tourism Innovation Centre that will promote innovations.
WP T3 – Implementation of innovative tourism solutions in Adriatic-Ionian region - PP3 RRA
Work Package Implementation of innovative tourism solutions in Adriatic-Ionian region which starts in January 2019 and ends in December 2019. The purpose of this WP is an application of knowledge collected about innovations in sustainable tourism in previous WPs. Collected knowledge will be used for selection and development of innovations with commercial potential having in mind that innovation has to become adoption of new practice throughout Adriatic-Ionian region. Main objective (output) is Pilot program consisting of two small-scale pilot projects intended for testing of best innovative solutions applicability in real life conditions and for supporting of innovators in innovation development. The three activities and including deliverables are : Criteria definition and selection for piloting of innovations in sustainable tourism for Adriatic-Ionian area, Pilot program for testing of best innovations in sustainable tourism and Sustainability actions.

To all interested Stakeholders who contribute to the provision of tourism in Albania,
We have the pleasure and honor to call for your collaboration in the framework of FOST-INNO project "Promoting the Tourism Innovation System in the Adriatic-Ionian Region" Interreg-Adrion 2014-2020, which includes the following countries: Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro. This project aims to ensure the long-term tourism competition in the Adriatic-Ionian area by achieving innovation skills in tourism.
We are sending you in Albanian and English the call for "Possible innovative ideas in tourism in the Adriatic-Ionian region", where you are required to apply so that you can offer more to sustainable tourism through ideas and innovative solutions. This is a call also for those who want to offer their ideas in the Adriatic-Ionian market such as individuals, nonprofit organizations, SMEs, service authorities, tourism organizations etc
Applicants of the two best innovative ideas for sustainable tourism will have the opportunity to get support through training and electronic consulting. These two best ideas will be piloted by foreign experts (in Slovenia), market analysis for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (in 6 partner countries FNO INNO: Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania, dissemination and publicity of applicants of the two winning ideas.
In order to support these efforts there will be organized a training on March 12, 2019 on innovations of the sustainable tourism. This training will be organized by the contact point in Albania of the Adriatic-Ionian Tourism Innovation Center established at the Faculty of Economics of Shkodra University.
You will be notified on the exact time and place by e-mail.
We will also be ready to offer you any on-line consultation via e-mail:
The deadline for submitting proposals for new ideas on innovative solutions for sustainable tourism is March 31, 2019 at the following address:
We can offer any clarification or further information you need.
We have confidence in your innovative spirit which is required for successful tourism today and the future in your country.
The online application form can be downloaded at the following link: - the proposed idea in Albanian and English Dibra - Contact Point of the Adriatic-Ionian Innovation Center
Prof. Dr. Arjeta Troshani - Project Coordinator FOST INNO