UniAdrion and Marche Polytechnic University is organizing the second edition of the Summer school on “Migration and mobility in the Balkans”, which is…
As part of the EU-Programme ERASMUS+ Mobility with Partner Countries, the University of Almeria, Spain in collaboration with the University of Shkodra…
As part of the EU-Programme ERASMUS+ Mobility with Partner Countries, the University of Messina, Italy in collaboration with the University of Shkodra…
Më datë 13 maj 2019, ora 9.30 deri në orën 14.00, Zyra e Erasmus+ në bashkëpunim me grupin e ekspertëve të Reformës së Arsimit të Lartë HERE, zhvillon…
On March 29, 2023, the Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Environment Resource Center in Albania, represented by Mr. Mihallaq Qirjo, and the…
On March 29, 2023, in the "Walter Höfflechner" hall of the University Library, the Memorial Conference was held dedicated to the Albania scholar Peter…