In the framework of the implementation of the SMART project "SMART Innovation Centers for the development of innovative and entrepreneurial thinking to facilitate the development of sustainable smart solutions in the Western Balkans", the first meeting was organized on April 5, 2023, with the theme:
"Identification of actors and interest groups, and their approaches in function of defining the focus of the SMART center."
The working group at the University of Shkodra organized the meeting with the participation of various local actors of the District of Shkodra, including representatives of public institutions, local higher education institutions, private companies, representatives of the media, representatives of the Rotary Club, subjects of civil society and experts in other fields. The purpose of this meeting was the exchange of ideas, the identification of proposals and activities to address the challenges of HEIs in the field of SMART specialization and the development of students' innovation and entrepreneurship competencies through the development of new learning modules.
The meeting was opened by the SMART project coordinator Dr. Ylvije Kraja who made a brief presentation of the SMART project. While the welcoming speech was given by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Prof. Dr. Blerta Dragusha. Next, they greeted Mr. Arben Haveri, representative of the Rotary Club and Mr. Ridvan Sokoli, Director of the Directorate of Economic Development, Municipality of Shkodra. In their speech, the importance of the university's cooperation with local actors was emphasized, as well as the role of the innovation center in fulfilling the university's mission. Next, the activities of the meeting continued, in function of the purpose and objectives of the project.
The conclusions and recommendations of this meeting serve not only to identify actors and interest groups, their approaches to determine the focus of the SMART center, but also to help the continuity of the project.
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"Identification of actors and interest groups, and their approaches in order to define the focus of the SMART center"